November 7, 2020
-- Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to sign up for the ACT National Test Date-- Saturday, Dec. 12 th at South Plains College. The deadline to signup is Nov. 20 th . S...

October 30, 2020
NHS induction has been temporarily postponed until the new all purpose room in the high school can be completed.

October 26, 2020
We are proud to partner with GermBlast® for the 2020-2021 school year.

October 23, 2020
The Morton CTE Student Organizations will be hosting the First Annual Fall Festival on Friday, October 30. Festivities will include pumpkin decorating, costume contest, a haunted...

October 22, 2020
Red Ribbon Week for Morton ISD is October 26 through October 30. The Elementary and Secondary campuses will observe the same dress-up days. Monday: wear Red for Red Ribbon We...
October 22, 2020
Attention: Important information regarding testing of ACT National Testing at SPC in December, Accuplacer, and Other upcoming events for juniors and seniors.
-- ACT ...
October 15, 2020
Morton High School will honor seniors this Friday with the senor pep rally at 2:45 in the football stadium. Seniors will "hand down" mementos to younger students as a remembrance...

October 15, 2020
The Morton Junior High Indians and Maidens Cross Country teams competed at the district Cross Country meet at Sundown ISD in Sundown, Texas on Monday, October 12th,
The India...

October 8, 2020
Picture Day was Tuesday, October 6.
the code for online photo orders is:
Picture Day ID for Elementary: EVTJKXS6P Picture Day ID for Secondary: EV...

October 7, 2020
Order your Pink Out T-shirts now. Second order will be placed Friday at noon. There is still time to get in your order and support Cristabel Rodriquez. Contact High School offi...

October 3, 2020
In keeping with our theme of "Back to the 80's" and in honor of National Yearbook Week, October 5-9, Morton ISD will be offering all previous yearbooks for only $25 a 1980's pric...

October 1, 2020
Morton Secondary School has begun several fundraisers for the fall semester.
Yearbook staff is once again selling World's Finest Chocolate bars. In caramel, Almond, Milk choco...

September 29, 2020
MHS cheerleaders are selling pink out shirts for $10. If you would like to order a shirt, please return this form and money to the high school office (266-5505 ext. 501) by 9:00 a...

September 23, 2020
We're honoring inspiring educators.
Who inspires you ?

September 15, 2020
Spirit Week 2020 will begin on Monday, September 21.
Homecoming Week activities will include Senior Bonfire, a parade, pep rally, pre-game dinner and announcement of Homecomi...
September 15, 2020
For information on parent login to Schoology to view student work and grades:

September 2, 2020
https://us18.campaign-archive.... Do you know an extraordinary educator? Educators have difficult jobs, and take on immense responsibility. These ...

August 25, 2020
Football Game Spectator Guidelines
The following recommendations are for spectators who choose to come to Indian Stadium. Seating capacity in the stands will be limited to 50% ...