

We would like to welcome you to Morton High School!

Morton  High School is a small 2A in West Texas. We have roughly one hundred and seventy students in our high school. 

The secondary campus has welcomed a new principal to the building this year! Mr. Puge accepted the Vice Principal position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. After a few district changes, he has now been moved into the Principal position for the 2023-2024 school year! This is Mr. Puga's first year out of the classroom, and we are excited to see his plan for Morton Secondary!

Morton High School offers a wide range of subjects for our student body. In addition to core course offerings, our students enjoy options in Career and Technical Education, Fine Arts, Athletics, Foreign Language, and Dual Credit offerings through South Plains College. Morton students are active in FFA, FCCLA, UIL, One Act Play, and other extracurricular activities and competitions. Other activities include band, baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, football, golf, tennis, track and field, powerlifting, and we are adding a softball team this year.

 Career and Technical Education provides course offerings, college credits, scholarships, and state and national competitions in Agriculture, Health Sciences, Family and Consumer Science, Media and Communication, and Business and Information Management. 

Our UIL program includes teams in Journalism, Current Issues and Events, Spelling and vocabulary, Science, Social Studies, Poetry and Prose, Speech, and One-Act Play. UIL actively competes in Invitational and District Meets throughout the school year. 

Our Standard school day is from 8 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 

We’d love for you to come visit us! Call Angelica at 806-266-5505 ext. 400.

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