April 18, 2021
Friday afternoon students gathered on the baseball field to toss water balloons at several teachers, aides, and administrators from the Elementary school. For the full story, v...

April 16, 2021
Bands from around the region met in Denver City on Tuesday to compete in concert and sight-reading contests for UIL. The Morton varsity band was among the group competing.

March 26, 2021
In accordance with the new guidelines issued by the Commissioner of Education for the State of Texas, Morton ISD School Board has made the following changes to its mask and face ...
March 11, 2021
Title III SSA Community Engagement Opportunity – The Importance of Including Culturally Relevant Literature at Home and at School!
Session ID #799996: https://txr17.escwo...
March 9, 2021
The Ring Ceremony for those who chose to purchase a class ring from Herff Jones is scheduled for March 11, 2021 @ 10:30 in the High School Multi-purpose room.

March 9, 2021
Dear Family, Morton ISD Staff & School Community Friends,
It is a sad day to lose a loved one and doubly so when the loved one is a child. Morton ISD will close early on Thursd...

February 10, 2021
If your student is involved with special education services at Morton ISD, please read the attached letter and respond to the survey from TEA in the link on the letter.

February 9, 2021
Texas Academic Performance Report Public Hearing Notice
Posted on 02/09/2021
Texas Academic Performance Report Public Hearing Notice Thursday, February ...

February 5, 2021
https://southplainscollege.aca... Academic Scholarships at South Plains College

January 18, 2021
FCCLA members are completing a project on the issue of technology overuse and abuse. Technology overuse/abuse can cause a delay in academic success, hinders social and emotional ...
January 15, 2021
FCCLA will sponsor the upcoming blood drive on January 25 from 10 am- 1:30 pm. Students 16 years old and older are eligible to donate. If students donate three or more times bef...

January 12, 2021
ACT scores can help students stand out on college and scholarship applications. Students, take the test in February so you have everything you need to chase your dreams. The deadl...
January 11, 2021
An E-Rate Form 470 has been posted for Morton ISD. All interested service providers must review the associated RFP(s) located at https://erate.esc12.net . Form 470 #210011665

December 16, 2020
Last week, eight Morton Junior High students individually competed in Middle School All-Region Band auditions. For All-Region auditions, students were required to learn 1 page of ...

December 1, 2020
The Scholastic Holiday Book Fair will be in the Elementary Library beginning Monday December 7 through Friday December 11. Each day the fair will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30...

December 1, 2020
Lifetouch has provided a special limited-time offer to ensure each family at our school gets the opportunity to preserve this school years’ memories. To order school pi...

November 30, 2020
Video Tribute to the Class of 2021

November 10, 2020
Honoring our veterans is a tradition in Morton. For many years we have set aside time on Veterans Day to honor our veterans with a special program at the County Auditorium.